CPUSA Mailbag


You commies are enemies of freedom. --Al H.

Thanks for your comment, Al.  It gets to one of the biggest misconceptions people have about our party, and about socialism and communism in general. In fact, we consider ourselves...

BY: Scott Hiley| March 23, 2017
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You know communism hasn't worked for a long period of time ever. Why do you expect communism to work in...

Thanks for your question.  Before answering, I want to clarify a point of terminology.  Communism has never existed.  What we have seen (in the Soviet Union and in Cuba, for...

BY: Scott Hiley| March 22, 2017
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I have looked at this page, and it appears as if the party is much more aligned with social democracy...

Thanks for your question, which has a couple of parts.  I'll start off by saying that what we fight for is socialism, which is a necessary step toward communism. First...

BY: Scott Hiley| March 21, 2017
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I wanted to get the perspective of someone on the other side of the spectrum from me on communism. In...

Terrific question!  Thanks for writing in.  My answer is kind of long, but I hope you'll find it helpful. (I'll add that I, personally, hope that socialism gives me more...

BY: Scott Hiley| March 16, 2017
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Why are you such pacifists when you say "it takes a fight to win"?

If you guys are pacifists, why do you always say – “it takes a fight to win?” Good question, thanks. Pacifists are opposed to war and violence, according to a...

BY: Beth Edelman| March 9, 2017
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