Editor’s Note: Download draft program here.
The 31st National Convention of CPUSA will be held June 21-23, 2019. February 1 through June 1, we are in the period of pre-convention discussion. Our objective is to deepen our understanding, upgrade our analysis, and strengthen our ability to effectively engage in struggle with the working class and people of the USA.
As part of preparation for the convention, a new draft of the Party program is available for download in PDF form. We encourage holding discussions in your club, district, study group, and other groupings where fitting. We invite you to offer comments, alternative wording, suggestions of a different approach, and even amendments to any aspect of the new draft program. All suggestions will be considered even though all may not be adopted; major decisions will be made at the convention, so feel encouraged to offer the input of your collective or your individual thinking. Please send your submission to program@cpusa.org before May 15, 2019.
Too, we invite everyone to participate in a series of online discussions of the new draft program. Please see the schedule and the connection information below:
New Draft Party Program Discussion Seminars
All sessions will be 6 – 7:30 PM eastern (5 PM central and 3 PM pacific)
Sunday, Feb 17
-Intro to the Party Program & Class and Democratic Struggle
Suggested Reading: sections I, II, & V
Sunday, March 24
Realities of the US Working Class & the Working Class Movement for Social Progress
Suggested Reading: section III
Sunday, April 14
Unity Against the Extreme Right in the Electoral Arena and Beyond
Suggested Reading: sections IV, VI, & VII
Sunday, May 19
The Role of the Party, the Battle of Ideas, & Our Vision of Socialism
Suggested Reading: sections VIII, IX, & X
Register NOW: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4566511880187519747
We look forward to your participation.