Charlottesville: Turn outrage into united action!

BY:National Board, CPUSA| August 13, 2017
Charlottesville: Turn outrage into united action!


The CPUSA joins with millions expressing outrage over the acts of domestic terrorism carried out by white supremacists, neo-Nazis and fascists in Charlottesville.

We mourn the deaths of Heather Heyer, the courageous and outspoken anti-fascist activist and the law enforcement personnel and express our deep concern for all those injured.

Donald Trump is conspicuous in his refusal to out rightly condemn these acts of terror. He offered only muddled words and an even-handed rebuke to those on “many sides,” for the “hatred, bigotry and violence.”

Responsibility for the atmosphere of hate nurturing the fascist mob lies at the White House doorstep. It has been consciously stoked and cultivated by Trump and the alt-right, white supremacists in the White House, Justice Department, military and national security apparatus.

Trump and these elements in the administration, including Steven K. Bannon, Stephen Miller, Jeff Sessions and Sebastian Gorka are a danger to democracy and must go.

What happened in Charlottesville is the real meaning of the incendiary slogan, “Make America Great Again.”

This was confirmed by none other than KKK leader David Duke who said, “We’re going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump to take our country back.”

None of this comes as a surprise. Trump is governing as he campaigned by appealing to the worst human instincts and playing on racial and religious resentments and hatred, xenophobia, Islamophobia, homophobia and misogyny.

During the campaign Trump whipped his crowds to frenzy by calling for deportation of Mexicans and barring Muslims while encouraging violent assault on protesters.

In Charlottesville, they marched with lit torches chanting, “Heil Trump” and “white lives matter” and “Jews will not replace us.”

“I would recommend you take a good look in the mirror and remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency, not radical leftists,” Duke wrote on Twitter after Trump’s remarks about Charlottesville.

These white supremacist and neo-Nazi criminal elements were marching to block the removal of a confederate statue honoring Robert E. Lee. Many communities throughout the South are taking long overdue steps to confront the white supremacist past and recognize the multiracial character and diversity of the nation.

The Trump policies of mass deportations, voter suppression, Muslim bans, investigating “race-based discrimination” against whites, “law and order”, reviving the “War on Drugs” and encouraging police brutality are all geared at mobilizing a white nationalist constituency and slowing down, stopping and reversing the vast demographic and cultural shifts to ensure permanent white nationalist rule.

These policies are being rejected by the mobilized might of a united multi-racial, anti-racist, anti-fascist majority; and an unprecedented resistance that continues to grow. This movement is setting its sights on the 2018 elections and ousting of the GOP right-wing majority in Congress and statehouses.

We urge everyone to join vigils and protests condemning the acts of terrorism and remembering the dead and injured and call the White House and elected officials to demand action.

We also join with other in demanding the immediate impeachment of Trump.

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