
The ADL’s defense of Musk’s Nazi salute reveals its true colors

The ADL’s defense of Musk’s Nazi salute reveals its true colors

The Anti-Defamation League’s defense of Musk and Netanyahu — while attacking the Palestine solidarity movement — continues a long history of Zionist collaboration with fascism.

BY: Jewish Committee| January 23, 2025
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Socialistas Populares de México y Comunistas de Estados Unidos emiten comunicado conjunto

Socialistas Populares de México y Comunistas de Estados Unidos emiten comunicado conjunto

Los partidos proponen compartir sus experiencias y buscar acciones conjuntas en defensa de los migrantes, los trabajadores, la paz y el derecho a la autodeterminación.

Popular Socialists of Mexico and U.S. Communists issue joint statement

Popular Socialists of Mexico and U.S. Communists issue joint statement

Faced with the dangers posed by Trump, the parties propose to share their experiences and seek joint action in defense of migrants, workers, peace, and the right to self-determination.

Militants and the millions: building resistance for real world impact

Militants and the millions: building resistance for real world impact

Our tactics must build a mass base that is large enough, militant enough, united and organized enough to actually stop and reverse the slide into full-blown fascism.

BY: Marc Brodine| January 10, 2025
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Labor report to the CPUSA National Committee

Labor report to the CPUSA National Committee

The following report was given by Cameron Harrison to the CPUSA National Committee on Saturday, November 16th. Comrades, on the picket line the other day, a union sister told me...

BY: CPUSA Labor Commission| November 22, 2024
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