Chris Butters

Chris Butters

Chris Butters is an activist for peace and justice in Brooklyn, NY.

Socialism and the battle for democracy: our democracy and theirs

Socialism and the battle for democracy: our democracy and theirs

We seek to build a special kind of unity in united and popular fronts, with working class leadership that knows who to ally with and who to struggle against.

BY:Chris Butters| May 14, 2024
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Tasks of the socialist moment: Should our emphasis be joining with the Democratic Party against the “extreme right?”

Tasks of the socialist moment: Should our emphasis be joining with the Democratic Party against the “extreme right?”

  One thread in our NY State Convention discussion recently was the process of rebuilding the Party after what has been called the “Webb years.”  I don’t think the reasons for...

BY:Chris Butters| May 29, 2019
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