Chris Butters

Chris Butters

Chris Butters is an activist for peace and justice in Brooklyn, NY.

Next steps for New York State CPUSA (report)

Next steps for New York State CPUSA (report)

Issues in New York State that demand our attention.

BY:Chris Butters| February 3, 2022
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Signaling left, turning right: The “radicals” rebranding populism
BY:Chris Butters| December 17, 2021
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New York District is growing: A report

New York District is growing: A report

We need to build the club as a collective, not just a collection of individual activists.

BY:Chris Butters| July 2, 2021
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Ten choice poetry picks of the last decade

Ten choice poetry picks of the last decade

Here are ten important poetry books written from, about, or for the movement for social justice.

BY:Chris Butters| January 13, 2020
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Convention Discussion: Trump, Monopoly Capital, and the “Extreme Right” Stage

Convention Discussion: Trump, Monopoly Capital, and the “Extreme Right” Stage

The main enemy of the the working class is monopoly capital, not just the extreme right.

BY:Chris Butters| March 25, 2019
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