The Michigan District of the CPUSA is working in solidarity for the striking Kellogg workers.
The strike began on October 5, and recently, the Bakery, Confectionery, and Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers (BCTGM) union rejected a bad contract proposal. At issue are two-tier wages and long, grueling work hours. True to the corporate playbook, Kellogg’s is hiring scabs as permanent workers. A long, difficult strike seems likely.
Workers are picketing in Battle Creek, Michigan, where one of the factories and Kellogg’s headquarters are located. The cold Michigan weather is not kind to strikers walking the picket line and trying to keep warm near the burn barrels.
The Michigan District organized support to bring a little cheer to the union members. In two weeks, we collected $745 in cash and gift cards and converted the cash into more gift cards from two unionized grocery stores. Several comrades drove to Battle Creek to walk the picket line and deliver the donation to the union local.
We’re working with comrades from Indiana and Ohio to plan more strike support activities. The People’s World is publishing excellent articles on the strike.
The way to win is to organize massive support among the unions and communities from around the country. The Michigan District is committed to helping with this task.
Read about solidarity from South Bend, Indiana, here.