Saoirse Theriault

Saoirse Theriault

Preparing to wage and win the class war under conditions of climate collapse

Preparing to wage and win the class war under conditions of climate collapse

We ought to set a time-bound objective for ourselves in the struggle against climate collapse rather than failing to build a sense of urgency into our strategy.

BY:Saoirse Theriault| April 21, 2024
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Preparing to end monopoly capital’s political rule by the 37th convention

Preparing to end monopoly capital’s political rule by the 37th convention

The urgency of addressing climate change demands correspondingly urgent changes if we are to adapt.

BY:Saoirse Theriault| March 8, 2024
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The only class that can lead the green transition is our own

The only class that can lead the green transition is our own

Only the working class, in alliance with specially oppressed people of other classes, can lead the fight for the fundamental changes necessary to mitigate climate change.

BY:Saoirse Theriault| February 14, 2024
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