Communist Party Resolves: All hands on deck for the 2010 midterm elections

May 27, 2010


Resolution on the November 2, 2010 midterm election — “All hands on deck to defend and extend our gains”

Whereas, The Nov. 2 midterm elections are the main arena of the struggle to extend democratic rights, advance the fight for jobs, equality, and peace in 2010 and

Whereas, All 435 House seats and one-third of the Senate seats are at stake and majority control of both bodies could hinge on a shift of 45 seats in the House and a half dozen in the Senate from Democrat to Republican;

Whereas, The ultra-right Republicans have unleashed a lavishly financed campaign of obstruction and misinformation with the aim of taking back majority control of Congress and nullifying the people’s gains won in 2008.

Whereas, The ultra-right is whipping up overt and coded racism to divide the people with barely veiled incitements to violence against President Obama and other African American and Latino elected officials, as well as anti-immigrant hysteria; and

Whereas, Recent victories in Congress such as passage of Health Care Reform legislation with not a single Republican yes vote exposes the Republicans as the “Party of NO.” And passage of a strong financial reform law, the $100 billion Local Jobs for America Act, immigration reform with a path to citizenship, and a green energy bill to curb climate change, and ending the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq all would strengthen the chances for a people’s victory in November; and

Whereas, The 2010 elections will play an critical role in defending reforms won on health care, jobs and other issues and in winning more advanced measures at federal and state levels – for example, a federal public works jobs program, stronger curbs on Wall Street, Big Oil, and the insurance industry, enactment of single-payer “Medicare for All” and ultimately a profit-free national health service; and

Whereas, The labor movement and its allies have already launched a “firewall” campaign to defend and extend the victories won in the 2008 election and this grassroots movement has warned candidates that bowing to fear and intimidation in the name of “bipartisanship” is a sure recipe for defeat; therefore be it

Resolved, That the Communist Party USA is committed to joining in the broad all-peoples’ coalition to defeat the ultra-right in the mid-term elections and help elect more pro-people, pro-labor, pro-immigrant rights, pro-peace candidates including members of our own Party running for election or reelection.

That voter education on life-and-death issues of jobs, health care, and preserving the homes of millions from foreclosure will be key to victory. The Party should produce our own “People Before Profits” election platform for mass circulation.

That we will join or, when necessary, initiate voter registration drives to enroll new voters.

That we urge Districts, Clubs, and Party members to volunteer to phonebank, go door-to-door, travel to battleground states. That victory depends above all on an effective “get-out-the-vote” campaign in the lead up to the election and on election day, November 2. That this mobilization needs “street heat” to fire up the people.

That our clubs participate in the 2010 elections through coalition work that builds a solid base for the struggle after the elections. Clubs should target organizations and key neighborhoods for signing up readers to the People’s World/Mundo Popular and new Party recruits strengthening both the CPUSA and the unity and action of the people’s movements.

Resolution adopted by the 29th National Convention of the Communist Party USA, New York, NY May 21-23, 2010.

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