29th Convention: Constitution Committee Report

May 28, 2010

A committee report to the 29th National Convention of the Communist Party

The Constitution Committee is proposing that the incoming National Committee consider one addition the constitution, recognition of the discrimination of people with disabilities. This could be added in the preamble (bottom of p. 3), and also in Article 6 section 3, “It shall be the obligation of all Party members to struggle against…” and add language concerning the discrimination against people with disabilities.

In going through the Constitution one will find a number of editing errors and typos, which are not addressed here, but should be taken care of.

Our committee recommends that (at least one year) before the next convention, a broader committee of the National Committee be established to review the Constitution. This is the document that addresses establishment of membership and responsibilities of membership. Some changes may be necessary, given annual dues payments, and internet membership. For example, with the annual dues payment system, how does the section apply on losing “membership in good standing” if a member is 3 months in arrears of dues payments (Article III Sec 4). Other sections may need examination by a broader group of the National Committee as well.

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