CPUSA members are engaged in campaigns across the country to turn back the extreme right agenda. This page contains some tools, links and articles that can be helpful to your work.
Take the GOTV (Get Out The Vote) Challenge!
We are urging members to take part in national phone banks once a week or more from now to Election Day, door to door canvassing and travel to battleground states. Let us know that you are taking the challenge or if you are interested in traveling to a battleground state or district by emailing: politicalaction@cpusa.org
Sign up here for the AFL-CIO online phone bank and make calls from wherever you are.
Sign up here for the MoveOn national online phone bank to Save the Senate.
Sign up here for the Democracy For America “DFA Dialer”
If you live in a battleground state or district, you can take part in door knocking or phone banks with union or community groups. Contact your local labor council, MoveOn.org, NAACP, NOW chapter, immigration rights or other grassroots political organization.
Take part in the “Turn Out for What?” campaign by AFSCME.
Share these People’s World stories with other election activists and your networks and check for new articles daily:
Why labor has a stake in fighting racism – speech by AFL-CIO Pres. Richard Trumka
New upsurge against racism
Texans hope to change things on Election Day
Labor, aiming to oust McConnell, campaigns hard for Grimes
Wisconsin moving to stop as many as 300,000 from voting
Climate change, militarism and the 2014 elections
You are encouraged to submit articles on local or state campaigns and election issues and/or use the People’s World downloadable issue. The PW posts a new version each week.
Additional literature:
2014 Elections – last 70 days –Joelle Fishman, National Board remarks
2014 Elections – Voter Turnout Is The Key – Joelle Fishman, National Committee remarks
Elections, the state, reform and revolution – John Bachtell
CPUSA election program (English)
CPUSA election program (Spanish)
US Senate scorecard: who holds the majority makes a difference