The week of September 15, 2008 has been a dramatic and unprecedented
period in the world of high finance. The economic crisis is not over
despite what some pundits and politicians have claimed. A series of
government interventions have changed the map of banking and finance.
So what does it all mean? What will be impact of the Wall Street
bankruptcies, bailouts and blunders on working people in this country
and worldwide? What’s the solution to the crisis?
Perhaps only time will tell the full extent of the impact. Needless to
say, this weeks developments don’t bode well for the future. Here are
some thoughts from contributors to the Peoples Weekly World and
Political Affairs and leaders of the Communist Party on the current
economic crisis, the policies that got us to this point and the
historical precedents.
We will update this resource list in the days and weeks to come, as the
full scope of the crisis is better known.
Week of Sept. 15:
Bailout Main Street
Sept. 19, 2008
By Joel Wendland:
Sept. 19, 2008
meltdown wallops Main Street
By Phil Cadman
Sept. 19, 2008
Fall Apart: Wall Street and the Crisis of US Imperialism
By Joe Sims and Joel Wendland
Sept. 19 2008
From Archives:
really never coming back?
By John Wojcik
Sept. 8, 2008; People’s Weekly World
By Marilyn Bechtel
Aug. 15, 2008 — People’s Weekly World
the Knife: Cut the Needy to Feed the Greedy
By Joelle Fishman
July 24, 2008; Political Affairs
with Doug Henwood, Left Business Observer
May 29, 2008;Political Affairs
Time for a New Deal by Norman Markowitz
May 29, 2008 — Political Affairs
Crisis and Class Struggle
By Paulo Nakatani and Rémy Herrera
May 28, 2008 — Political Affairs
Foreclosures point to systemic crisis
Winebrenner Edwards
April 4, 2007 — People’s Weekly World
Wall Street, not Main Street
By John Wojcik
March 20, 2008 — People’s Weekly World
the Storm: the economic recession
Video interview with Sam Webb
March 10, 2008; Communist Party USA
housing, foreclosure crisis
By John Wojcik
March 9, 2008; People’s Weekly World
with Art Perlo, CP Economics Commission
Feb. 15, 2008 — Political Affairs
put working class first
By Teresa Albano
Jan. 24, 2008 — People’s Weekly World
homebuyers, Black, Latino families hit hardest
By Tim Wheeler
Jan. 19, 2008; People’s Weekly World
the housing crisis
By Art Perlo
Aug. 30, 2007 — People’s Weekly World
stoked by incredible greed
By Susan Webb
Aug. 16, 2007; People’s Weekly World
thievery, a new political moment
By Sam Webb
July 20, 2002; People’s Weekly World
En Español:
económica y las viviendas
Por Art Perlo
26 de Julio, 2008; Nuestro Mundo