CPUSA and Vietnamese leaders share aspirations for peace

BY:CPUSA International Department| October 8, 2024
CPUSA and Vietnamese leaders share aspirations for peace


On September 22nd, leaders of the Communist Party USA, met with To Lam, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Comrade To Lam was in New York to address the United Nations General Assembly. Present were other U.S. activists friendly to Vietnam.

CPUSA co-Chair Rossana Cambron spoke at the meeting. She spoke about the upcoming U.S. elections and congratulated the CPV on the upcoming 75th anniversary of the unification of Vietnam. She also thanked the CPV for hosting the Hello Comrade Project earlier this year and reaffirmed the party’s commitment to doing everything it can to help the victims of U.S. chemical warfare during the U.S. war in Vietnam.

Comrade To Lam thanked CPUSA and Vietnam’s other U.S. working-class allies for their decades of support. He informed the guests about Vietnam’s many successes during the 40 years of doi moi and spoke about the importance of the CPV’s upcoming 14th National Party Congress, scheduled for 2026. He also reaffirmed Vietnam’s commitment to maintaining its independent and peaceful foreign policy, dispelling false claims made by the U.S. corporate media about Vietnam joining a U.S.-led military coalition.

Following the meeting with To Lam, leaders of the CPUSA and CPV gathered together at the Henry Winston Unity Hall for a more intimate sharing of ideas to help further strengthen their relationship and communication, expressing their close ties also through an exchange of gifts.

The meeting marked another milestone in the long history of comradery and solidarity between the Communist Party USA and the Communist Party of Vietnam. From the beginning of the Vietnamese people’s fight for independence from colonial rule, through their war against U.S. imperialist forces to unify their country, CPUSA has remained a steadfast friend of the Vietnamese people.

On its end, the CPV and the Vietnamese people have always supported CPUSA and the U.S. working class. Despite Vietnam still having a developing economy, the CPV donated thousands of masks to CPUSA to distribute to those in need during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, when masks were hard to find in the U.S.

The relationship between the CPUSA and CPV is an example of working-class internationalism put into practice, and shows its benefits. Despite being separated by thousands of miles, the CPUSA and CPV continue to deepen their already close relationship and are working together toward their shared goals of peace, democracy, and socialism.

Images: Arturo Cambron / CPUSA


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