Nearly 300 years ago, my family came to America from England as indentured servants. They believed in the promise of a new life, and when the revolution finally arrived, they were ardent supporters of it. At the same time, millions of Africans were forcibly kidnapped from their homes and shipped across the Atlantic to be sold as chattel slaves to plantation aristocrats. Indigenous peoples were systematically exterminated to open up new land for exploitation.
The moral struggle of America has always been to live up to its lofty and revolutionary ideals. Where we saw the injustices of chattel slavery, the outraged working peoples of America sought to abolish it. I can happily say my family fought in this great conflict for the Union. If there’s one characteristic that defines the American people, it’s that we’re fighters; we see something morally outrageous, and we’re inclined to do something about it.
Yet often enough, outrages we encounter are perpetuated by our own government. We fought slavery, yes, but only after many long years of federal indifference to the plight of African-Americans, the result of a government dominated by the slavocracy. Under a reactionary ruling class, our government has perpetuated the most abhorrent tyrannies, which go against the very foundation of our country’s revolutionary ideals. The people want liberty, equality, and prosperity, and the government is motivated by power and greed.
Each generation of Americans must battle the reactionary impulses of our ruling class. That is because America is a nation that remains to be born. In 2016, a new front emerged in the American people’s long battle against reaction; Donald Trump was elected president. Trump didn’t emerge from the void; instead, he landed on the political scene covered in the fetid afterbirth of the reactionary ruling class. Trump is the offspring of every chauvinistic, racist, and repressive impulse in our ruling class, the ultimate manifestation of their ungodly wealth.
In 2019, after meekly watching three years’ worth of the worst excesses of American capitalism being brought to the forefront, I decided I couldn’t be a passive observer any longer. I work in a grocery store; I’ve had a Muslim customer nearly break down when I wished her a happy Ramadan. I’ve seen my coworkers’ shoulders slump as they clock out from one job and into the next. I’ve had the father of a newborn anxiously tell me he’s worried about what kind of world his daughter will grow up in. I’m humbled when customers express appreciation for the work we do while the pandemic rages.
I joined the Communist Party, USA, because I realized that this is what happens when the ruling class no longer disguises their vices behind lofty ideals. A kleptocracy of the capitalists has run the system for far too long; they propelled the American people, once more, into a struggle against reaction.
This vicious struggle reverberates across the world. As much as we may wish to remain neutral, Americans have two choices before us; will we see the birth of a new nation—one which knows no color and privileges no creed—or will fear propel us to cling like flies to the carcass of the old?
If you’re reading this, join us and donate to our cause. We face the combined arsenal of the entire ruling class, numbering in hundreds of billions of dollars, which they’ve gained by stealing from the workers. Almost any sum donated to the Party will help us level the playing field.
Join the Communist Party. Fight for liberty! Fight for justice! Fight for a sustainability! Fight for a new America!
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