The dangerous political situation in our country requires that all democratic minded people make our voices heard. It is time to resist; resist the unconstitutional and racist executive orders; resist the appointments and legislation aimed at deconstructing government’s ability to serve the needs of the people putting millions of lives in jeopardy, while building up the military and delivering huge tax write-offs to corporations and the .1%.
The Trump/Republican agenda depends on dividing people against each other. To be successful requires a broad people’s resistance that brings people together in solidarity on every issue that hurts each one. Across the country many people are becoming involved for the first time. There are many new organizations springing up from the Women’s March, from Indivisible, from the immigrant communities and native peoples, joining the Fight for $15 and the labor movement, Black Lives Matter, Planned Parenthood and many more.
The Communist Party is committed to doing all it can to help build a united resistance in every community where we live and work. Building this broad people’s front for democratic rights is the immediate task toward a future based on equality and justice instead of greed, racism and war.
If you are not already connected to the resistance in your community, here are some links that will be useful in finding those who have come together to oppose the Trump/Republican attacks and work for a people’s agenda and people’s candidates.
- Indivisble is a national group collaborating with MoveOn, Working Families and Peoples Action to coordinate constituent pressure on elected officials and to encourage progressive candidates.
- Across the country immigrant rights organizations, refugee organizations and entire municipalities are coming together to resist mass deportations. The sanctuary city movement is sweeping the nation. A way to stand in solidarity is to connect with immigrant rights organizations and to share information and articles from the People’s World in your community to build unity and solidarity. Here is a link to get connected.
- Nationally the Communist Party is a partner for the People’s Climate Movement marches that will take place on April 29 in Washington DC and around the country. Marching together with friends, and possibly with a Communist Party banner is a great way to uphold science and show the interconnection between the climate movement and the movements for jobs and racial justice.
The bigger the Communist Party, the stronger the contribution we can make to building the resistance. One easy idea is to invite folks you have gotten to know, or have marched with, or who are new members of the Communist Party, to a house party and take part in the national webinars offered by the Education Department. There’s one on Marx’s Germany Ideology and another dealing with criminalization and black youth.