Greetings from the Sudanese Communist Party

BY:Sudanese Communist Party| July 28, 2005

Dear Comrades,

Allow us on behalf of the Central Committee of the Sudanese Communist Party and on behalf of all its members and the democratic forces of the Sudan, to convey to you, the delegates and guests of the 28th National Convention of the Communist Party, USA (CPUSA) out heartiest greetings and gratitude for inviting us to take part in this significant occasion.

It goes without saying that the convening of the 28th National Convention in itself is of great historical importance in this juncture of history in which the peoples the world-over are witnessing dramatic changes on the national and international levels. The most dramatic of all these changes as you know, is that the change of the balance of forces after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the states of the socialist camp in Eastern Europe. The imperialist forces and their collaborations, under the leadership of the USA and the capitalist states, became the unilateral leading forces in the world that are trying to orient and determine the fundamental polices in the world.

Due to their criminal policies of launching wars, caring out political and military interventions, ignoring international opinion, international laws, trying to use the United Nations Organization as a tool to realize their policies and plans aiming at imposing their hegemony and rule over the peoples of the world, the present and future of humanity is in great danger. In other words, the world today is not safer than it was before the tragic events of September 11, 2001.

Today is it very obvious to the majority of he peoples pf the world, that the plans and polices of Neoliberalism and Capitalist Globalization, are the main source of the various miseries and catastrophes which humanity and nature are suffering from.

Dear Comrades!

In this dramatic and crucial juncture of the world history, the most vital question, which raises itself, is: What is to be done? We are witnessing the development of a huge and heroic peoples movement of resistance against the policies and stratagies of Neoliberlism and Capitalist Globalization.

People from different strata of the world community, especially communists are involved in this great struggle. We have to put in our consideration the evolution of the new democratic and progressive governments in the countries of the South, especially in Latin America, which share the same aims ad tasks with the international antiglobal, anticapitalist movement.

We are of the opinion that the success of this movement depends mainly on its unity and clear definition of its goal and strategy. Solidarity is of great importance among its different components. The Communist and Workers Parties and the progressive forces are called upon to bear their responsibility and play an effective role in this great struggle.

We are and continue to be part and parcel of the international resistance movement in the struggle against exploitation and war, for peace and good mutual international relations.

In this connection allow us dear Comrades to emphasize that our Party, the democratic forces and the working peoples of the Sudan need the support and solidarity of the international community in their just struggle for freedom, democracy, social and economic progress, for peace, the safeguarding and consolidation of the national unity of our country.

As you know after more than forty years of the civil war in the southern part of our country, a peace accord has recently been reached and signed between the Sudanese government and the Sudanese Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM), under the sponsorship and mediation of the African countries: Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti which are members of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and with the help of the Egyptian and Libyan governments.

On the international level an important role has been played by the governments of the US and Great Britain, which have sent permanent sponsors to the negotiations. The UN also has played an important role.

The whole process of the negations, which took more than two years, was very hard and difficult, but in the end it resulted in the signing of the Nifasha Peace Accord.
On one of its most important outcomes is the end of military operations.
Without any delay the opposition forces in the National Democratic Alliance (NDA)which is composed of the majority of the political parties and the liberation movementsdeclared their recognition and support to the peace accord. At the same time the NDA called on the Sudanese government and the SPLM, and on all opposition forces to work together in order to take the necessary steps that will lead to a general national consensus on the agreement.

As announced by the leadership of the NDA, this can only be achieved through negotiations with the Sudanese government and the representations of the opposition forces, mainly the NDA, the Darfur opposition movements and the opposition movements of the Eastern Sudan. As a result of the negotiations between representatives of the Sudanese government and the leadership of the NDA, which took place in Cairo in the first half of June this year, an agreement has been signed between the two sides, with the presence of the president of Egypt Hosni Mubarak and the leader of the SPLM, Dr. John Garang. It has been agreed upon that a commission composed of ten members from the two sides is supposed to discuss the issues that the NDA is raising. Theses are the questions of democratization of the political life, in particular canceling of the State of Emergency, and the laws that are against the political, and human rights, especially the right of political organization and political activities and to resolve the question of the NDA-Military Militia.
In order to make the participation of the NDA in the coming provisional government possible and effective, the NDA, demands raising the percentage of government representation given to it by the peace accord. (The accord gives the government 42 percent, the SPLM 21-and-one-third percent, and 24-and-one-third percent for the northern political forces and 12-and-one-third percent for the southern political forces).

In order to resolve conflicts in Darfur and in the Eastern region of the Sudan, the NDA proposes the continuation of negotiations with movements of Danfur and Eastern Sudan in order to reach a political solution which will lead to the end of conflict and opens the door to a democratic, social and economic development, restore and safeguard the unity of the Sudan.

Dear Comrades!

Allow us to more express our heartiest thanks and gratitude to you for the invitation. We wish the 28th Convention every success.
Long live the CP of the USA!
Long live the international solidarity!

Mourad Mohamed
Commission for International Relations.


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