International Notes: July 10

July 10, 2017
International Notes: July 10


Iraqi Communist Party shares its views on Kurdistan referendum

The Secretary of the Central Committee of the Iraqi Communist Party, Raid Fahmi, has clarified the stance of the Iraqi Communists toward a coming referendum in the Kurdistan region in the north of Iraq

Fahmi noted that the Kurdistan referendum comes at a delicate moment in the nation’s history, what with the ferocious war against Daesh (which ISIS is called in Arabic) and with the evident need of unity of the whole of Iraq in the current situation, and especially for better coordination between the central government in Baghdad and the Kurdish Region’s autonomous government.

“On the other hand, we define [our] position on this issue on the basis of our commitment to the principle of the right of nations and peoples to self-determination”. But if indeed the referendum will focus on the potential formation of an independent Kurdish state, it will be especially necessary for the authorities in both Kurdistan and Baghdad to proceed in such a way as to avoid destructive divisiveness.


Argentine Communists condemn attack on demonstrators in Buenos Aires

The Buenos Aires chapters of the Communist Party of Argentina and the Communist Youth Federation have denounced the heavy handed methods used by the police of the Argentine Capital on June 27, when they broke up a sit-in type demonstration by social justice organizations in front of the building of the Ministry of Social Development. The Communist Party and the Youth Federation demand the freeing of all persons arrested on that occasion.

According to a bulletin from the Communist Party “this incident reminds one of the darkest epochs of our recent history”, referring to the bloodthirsty military dictatorship of the 1970s and 1980s.  The Communists blame Argentine President Mauricio Macri, who headed the city government of Buenos Aires before being elected president, Social Development Minister Carolina  Stanley and Buenos Aires Mayor Horacio Rodriguez Larreta for the incident, and for carrying out social policies that have impoverished large sectors of the Argentine population.


Japanese Communists register victory in Tokyo elections

In the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Elections on July 2, the Japanese Communist Party registered a significant advance, picking up two additional Assembly seats in the 127 seat body for a total of 19.  The right wing so-called “Liberal Democratic Party” of Prime Minister Abe suffered a serious reverse, with the total number of seats it holds dropping from 57 to 23.  This is the second consecutive Assembly election in which the Communists registered advances.

The biggest advance was by the Tomin First no Kai party, with the Communist Party second.  Tomin First no Kai is a local party characterized as “center-right”.


Czech Communists oppose dealings with “Sudeten German” organization

The Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia disapproves of possible concessions by the right wing in that country to become reconciled with “the so-called Sudeten Landsmanschaft”, an organization of descendants of the so called “Sudeten Germans”, ethnic Germans who lived in the areas of what is now the Czech Republic which, before the Second World War, bordered on Nazi Germany.  As Hitler’s government ramped up its attacks on the old Republic of Czechoslovakia, these Sudeten Germans became key players in subverting Czechoslovakia’s independence, and most of them supported Nazi Germany.  In the 1938 Munich agreement the areas inhabited by the Sudeten Germans were handed over to Hitler, putting Czechoslovakia in a militarily indefensible position.  For this reason, most of the Sudeten Germans were resettled in Germany after the end of World War II.

The Communist Party notes with disapproval that Czech Republic Minister of Culture Daniel Herman and Vice Premier Pavel Belobradek, both of the Christian Democratic Party, have met with the Sudeten Landsmanschaft organization which seeks return of lands of the ancestors of their members in the Czech Republic.


Sudanese Communist Party rejects CIA presence

The Sudanese Communist Party has denounced the government of President Omar Hassan al Bashir for opening up Sudan to United States Central Intelligence Agency activities.  According to a statement from the Communist Party’s Politburo, Sudan will now host the largest CIA station in all of Africa.  “This makes Sudan the main base for spying all over Africa and the Middle East.  The Sudanese communists point out that the United States wants to use Sudan as a base for carrying out its rivalry with China over control of Africa’s resources, especially in Central Africa.

The Sudanese Communist Party is calling on the masses to “redouble [their] efforts and calls for an all out confrontation of the Al Bashir regime, which should be removed from power.

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