Letter to Reps: Vote “No” on the Crucial Communism Teaching Act!

BY:Communist Party USA| January 21, 2025


All are encouraged to call and send a letter to their Senators and House Representatives, urging them to resist Trump and MAGA’s McCarthyism 2.0 and vote, “No” on the “Crucial Communism Teaching Act,” which came before the House in the last Congress, and is sure to be introduced to the current House and Senate. Below is a sample letter which may be used, or, if you wish to mail your letter, use this sample. You can go here to find out how your Representative in the House voted on the bill.

I am writing regarding your vote on the Crucial Communism Teaching Act. The promotion of this legislation is yet another indication of the danger of a new McCarthyism that is sweeping the country led by Donald Trump and the MAGA right. The GOP is labeling everything they don’t agree with as “socialist” or “communist,” even Joe Biden and “Comrade” Kamala Harris. In fact, one of the objectives of these lies is to split and divide the anti-MAGA coalition.

Indeed, McCarthyism was built on a Big Lie: that socialism is evil, undemocratic, and conspiratorial. In the U.S., it took the form that the socialists and communists — and by extension, every pro-working-class and democratic movement of which they were a part — was acting at the behest of the Soviet Union. Its victims included not only the professed communists, but unions, workers, teachers, artists, college professors, religious figures, scientists, athletes, and community activists.

But are the teachings of Karl Marx and attempts to build a just and equitable socialist society beyond the pale? In the U.S., socialists and communists have made invaluable contributions. Among its advocates were Helen Keller, Albert Einstein, Langston Hughes, Eugene Debs, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Mother Jones, Richard Wright, Woody Guthrie, Juan Chacon, W.E.B. Du Bois, Lorraine Hansbury, Paul Robeson, and Angela Davis. Socialists and communists were leaders in the organization of the nation’s mass production industries and drafted legislation that resulted in Social Security and unemployment compensation.

The CPUSA initiated the mass movement and legal defense of the Scottsboro defendants, put on death row in Alabama in the 1930s. Their case established the precedent for requiring due process in U.S. legal proceedings, regardless of race.

There is no struggle for democracy and peace in which partisans of socialism have not left their mark — from fighting fascism in Spain and Hitler’s Germany, to combatting the war in Vietnam and South Africa’s apartheid.

So, too, with the struggle for labor and civil rights. This history, however, has been canceled and denied by the forces of money and corporate power. Senator Joseph McCarthy and his henchman Roy Cohn led the drive to fire tens of thousands from their jobs and deport thousands. Some went to jail for — believe it or not — “conspiring to teach” Marxism. Cohn went on to become a mentor to Donald Trump. Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, a founding member of the ACLU, was expelled from the civil liberties organization. The great scholar W.E.B. Du Bois was handcuffed and charged with being an “agent” of a foreign power.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had this to say about the role of communists in American life:

“We cannot talk of Dr. Du Bois without recognizing that he was a radical all of his life. Some people would like to ignore the fact that he was a Communist in his later years. It is worth noting that Abraham Lincoln warmly welcomed the support of Karl Marx during the Civil War and corresponded with him freely.

“In contemporary life, the English speaking world has no difficulty with the fact that Sean O’Casey was a literary giant of the twentieth century and a Communist, or that Pablo Neruda is generally considered the greatest living poet, though he also served in the Chilean Senate as a Communist.

“It is time to cease muting the fact that Dr. Du Bois was a genius and chose to be a Communist. Our irrational, obsessive anti-communism has led us into too many quagmires to be retained as if it were a mode of scientific thinking.”

McCarthy and Cohn and their big business backers unleashed a mass hysteria upon the land. Lives were destroyed. Children lost their parents. Unions were weakened. Community struggles suffered.

Today, communists and socialists continue to play a big role in the trade union, democratic, peace, environment, and equality movements. Are they the “enemy within,” as alleged by Mr. Trump?

Trump and MAGA’s McCarthyism 2.0 is directed against an entire generation seeking fundamental change. It seeks to strangle contemporary struggles for better pay and working conditions, an end to racist and sexist discrimination, a clean environment, for peace, and the right to jobs, housing, healthcare, and a high quality education. If successful, its victims will be every person who fights discrimination, and every person intent on defending people’s right to earn, learn, live, and love. It will be used to further shred the social safety net, to implement harsh repression, to reverse every democratic right won through struggle over the past 160 years.

The so-called “Victims of Communism” group would gain access to classrooms across the country by means of this bill. The group was founded by Lee Edwards, the main sponsor of Project 2025.

I challenge you to reconsider the charge that communism and socialism is a crime and an aberration.

No one doubts that socialism has its share of tragedies or mistakes and even crimes. But, the parties who fought fascism and apartheid in this country and in many others, played no part in this. We don’t judge capitalism by the worst of its features — by its Hitlers, or Mussolinis, or Pinochets. Neither would it be intellectually honest to present the worst aspects of socialism’s history as if they were its essence.

Today, there is a reconsideration of the role of the left in our country, which is restoring honor to the likes of Paul Robeson and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn. Angela Davis has been inducted into the Women’s Hall of Fame. Consider the consequences of this new McCarthyism. Should Davis be removed or Robeson and Gurley Flynn ignored?

Anti-Communism has never been a democratic force in the life of this country. On the contrary, it has only ever been used as a tool to roll back democracy by constantly widening the net of its entrapment.

Please do not support a repeat of McCarthyism’s devastation when this bill comes up in the current Congress.

Don’t turn our classrooms into propaganda mills for the MAGA right.

Thank you for your consideration of these issues. I am eagerly awaiting your response.


    The Communist Party USA is a  revolutionary working-class  political party founded in 1919 in Chicago, IL. The Communist Party stands for the interests of the American working class and the American people. It stands for our interests in both the present and the future. Solidarity with workers of other countries is also part of our work. We work in coalition with the labor movement, the peace movement, the student movement, organizations fighting for equality and social justice, the environmental movement, immigrants rights groups and the health care for all campaign. But to win a better life for working families, we believe that we must go further. We believe that the American people can replace capitalism with a system that puts people before profit — socialism. We are rooted in our country's revolutionary history and its struggles for democracy. We call for "Bill of Rights" socialism, guaranteeing full individual freedoms.

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