1. Marxists in the tradition of the CPUSA have long have seen the American revolution as:
a. A revolution for individual freedom;
b. A fake revolution led by slaveholders;
c. A bourgeois democratic and anti-colonial revolution;
d. A great workers and farmers peoples revolution.
2. Although Americans have long been taught that the United States had no real socialist history, some of the the first workers parties in the world were founded in the 1830s in:
a. North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia;
b. New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania;
c. Massachusetts, Vermont, and Maine;
d. Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware.
3. The first generation of Socialists and Communists in the U.S., including followers of Karl Marx and the First International who brought with them the Communist Manifesto, were:
a. German and other refugees from the revolutions of 1848;
b. Survivors of Paris Commune;
c. Exiles from the 1905 Russian Revolution;
d. Participants in the Boston Tea Party.
4. During the Great Depression Communists mobilized millions around agitational slogans: which of the following was not a Communist slogan:
a. Black and white: Unite and fight;
b. Communism is the Democracy of the Twentieth Century;
c. America First;
d. Against Fascism and War:For Democracy and Peace.
5. Marxists and Communists in the U.S. have long believed that that the most important lessons of July 4 can be found most in:
a. The writings and life of Alexander Hamilton;
b. The writings and life of Tom Paine;
c. The writings and life of Thomas Jefferson;
d. The Writings and Life of Benjamin Franklin.
6. Founded a century ago, the Communist Party USA sees itself continuing the tradition of:
a. The farmers and craftsmen , the foot soldiers who fought and won the revolutionary war against the British colonial empire;
b. The abolitionists who joined with others to build an anti-slavery coalition that fought and won the Civil War as a revolutionary war against the slaveholders confederacy;
c. The trade unionists, anti-monopolists, and others who fought for the eight hour day, the abolition of child labor, anti-trust legislation, democratization of politics through secret ballot, party primaries, exposes of and legislation against political corruption;
d. All of the above.