In preparation for the Communist Party USA 100th Anniversary Convention next year in Chicago, we are producing an updated version of our Party program. We need visual art of all kinds.
In addition to updating the history and politics, we also want to make it more visually interesting, more impactful, more appealing. So we are appealing to artists and activists of all ages to help us. We welcome contributions from children, teens, adults, friends, and family.
Beginning October 1 until October 31, we are soliciting visual art of all kinds from people of all ages to illustrate our new program. The final version will be adopted at our Convention, but we will be issuing a draft for the pre-convention discussion, and we want to include as much art as possible.
We invite you and your friends to submit all kinds of visual art: photos, paintings, drawings, graphic art, charts, logos, etc. for us to use in our draft program and then in the final version.
You can use out existing program as a guide to the kinds of subject matter to be illustrated. For example, themes such as peace, justice, and socialism, capitalist exploitation, protecting the planet, creating a better world. We want to showcase examples of workers and progressives in struggle, children doing what children do and think, and celebrate the accomplishments of struggles for equality for all, for democracy, and for a just, sustainable future for all humankind.
Your art can add not only visual impact but also a depth of culture to our words and plans and explanations.
We need your vision, your enthusiasm, your talent, to help create the best program, the best call to action, the best encouragement for struggle, hope, and for a vision of a better world.
Please submit your artwork to Dee Miles at dee@cpusa.org.