Editor’s note: This amended resolution was collectively developed over months of work led by the CPUSA Political Action Commission that revised it in the course of the party’s preconvention discussion. At the convention’s start rules were adopted that provided, if a voice vote on a resolution was not decisively for or against, it would be referred to the incoming National Committee for further consideration and finalization. National Committee members provided suggested texts taking into account member, clubs and district input. The NC adopted the following text at its July 13th meeting and instructed the National Board to issue it taking into account the discussion.
WHEREAS the 2024 elections, at the federal, state, and local levels, represent a pivotal juncture, a moment of crisis. The crisis we face features the threat of fascism, bellicose militarism, brutal racism, militarized and dehumanizing assaults on immigrant workers, women, people of color, and LGBTQ people, and an unrelenting war on workers, and especially our unions. The crisis also includes existential attacks on our environment and smashing the already limited democratic structures, including the right to vote.
WHEREAS the fascist forces intend to implement, including violently, an agenda outlined in Project 2025 that would radically reshape government and society by replacing 50,000 civil servants with MAGA loyalists, eliminating the Department of Education, Social Security, Medicare, the ACA, and SNAP; dismantling union, and democratic and civil rights; outlawing abortion, IVF, and contraception; deporting 10 million undocumented immigrants; stocking the U.S Supreme Court and judiciary with MAGA extremists; and eliminating the EPA and repealing historic climate legislation in the face of a planetary emergency.
WHEREAS the MAGA-dominated U.S. Supreme Court is carrying out a constitutional coup, legislating from the bench, and rolling back democratic rights and environmental and health protections, defeating Trump alone is not enough. We must also defend and fight to expand the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, including economic rights and defeat right-wing candidates at all levels, including in local school boards, city councils and state governments. We must fight to expand democracy for workers, people of color, women, and LGBTQ people at all levels.
WHEREAS the recent upsurge in labor militancy and the people’s movement has mobilized millions into action, resulting in significant victories such as union organizing drives, historic wins for labor by the UAW, Teamsters, SAG- AFTRA, the election of a progressive Mayor in Chicago and Los Angeles, progressive independent city council members in Philadelphia and the victory in Ohio to enshrine the right to reproductive healthcare into the state constitution. These, and many other recent examples, show that when we organize and fight back, we can win.
WHEREAS the fight against fascism is both domestic and international with interlocking big business political and financial ties. A successful fight requires exposing those ties including those political forces complicit with its growth. Demands should include breaking those ties and making the rich pay for the crisis.
WHEREAS the peoples front is a broad movement, unity requires account be taken of small-and-medium sized business who while vacillating have a self-interest in fighting the big monopolies and its most reactionary and profit hungry sectors.
WHEREAS, growing working-class militancy and unity are decisive in blocking Trump, fascism, and the extreme right at the ballot box in 2024. The Communist Party USA is currently part of, in the thick of, this deepening struggle. Communists are politically independent but in the mix of this exploding anti-extreme-right coalition.
WHEREAS the corporate/financial extreme right and the extreme-right coalition have a strategy to disrupt, demoralize, and splinter the growing unity in the anti-fascist and people’s movement. As with all coalitions, participants in the all people’s front may have differing views on other issues, but centering on principled unity in action is an asset communists bring to the table. Communists and our allies, who share similar goals, have a strategic role in building and maintaining unity within the anti-extreme-right coalition.
WHEREAS a sweeping pro-democracy victory will be a decisive electoral defeat for the fascist forces, alter the political balance of forces, and open new opportunities to strengthen the role of the working class and its democratic allies to change the direction of our nation – for a People, Peace, and Planet before Profits agenda that accelerates a green energy transition, slashes the military budget, ends the sending of weapons to Israel, taxes the rich, wins quality healthcare for all and radical democratic reforms including strengthening voting and union organizing rights, codifying Roe v. Wade, LGBTQ+ rights, adopting D.C. Statehood, community control of the police, and reversing the ultra-right domination and corruption of the U.S. Supreme Court and judiciary.
WHEREAS the fight against fascism is not a battle in defense of the status quo, but a struggle to deepen and expand democracy – the only possible path to socialism.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that to defend the working class, people’s movement, and democracy, and address the environmental crisis, the Communist Party issues this urgent Call to Action to help build and actively participate in the broad all-people’s front to block fascism and build the people’s movement and Communist Party. We must go all out to support the all-people’s front for a maximum voter turnout on the critical issues affecting our lives.
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Communist Party is committed to year- round organizing and mobilizing on the issues facing the working class, to build a broad-based grassroots movement on its behalf, and will encourage our members to work in their local communities with labor and other forces in targeted voter registration, education, and mobilization efforts, in support of the issues to help field and elect communist and progressive candidates, support voting rights for immigrants and progressive ballot initiatives. We call on our members to work on neighborhood-based canvassing and to get out the vote with labor and allies for the strongest pro-worker and progressive candidates at every level.
THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Communists would give full united support and participation in the broad people’s front to defeat fascism in all its forms, including Trump, Trumpism, and the MAGA forces. Communists strive to promote the leadership and political initiative of our multiracial, multinational, multigender, and multigenerational working class in the struggle for democracy.