Countdown to election day
This election is a battle for the rights and needs of the 99% over the money and legal maneuverings of a wealthy few who want even more profits and control. It is neck-in-neck in most every race for the U.S. Senate and Governors. The election will be decided by who comes out to vote. New laws that make it harder to vote can be overcome by organizing a giant turnout. In North Carolina, the state with the most restrictive voting laws, the Moral Monday movement is organizing marches to the voting place.
Don’t miss the excitement on Get Out the Vote Weekend. Make sure you and your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers have a plan for early voting and for election day: 1. Decide what time you will vote 2. Know where you vote 3. Know what you’re required to bring when you vote.
Have the discussion with anyone you know who is eligible to vote but has not committed to vote. Refusing to vote is not rebellion, it’s surrender!
Top 10 reasons to vote
10. It’s your right.
Someone paid the price for your right to vote. Use it.
9. It’s your community.
Your neighbors, family, friends are depending on you.
8. It’s your life.
Even if politics seem far away from you, it affects your daily life.
7. It’s your education.
From school funding to college grants to job training, state and federal governments make budget decisions that have a direct impact on your ability to learn and earn.
6. It’s your body.
From policing to reproductive rights, the wrong government policies can literally cost you your life.
5. It’s your job.
A raise in the minimum wage, pay equity, and the right to a union are all being decided now.
4. It’s your environment.
You can vote to invest in transportation and sustainable energy for our planet
3. It’s your retirement.
Help make sure that Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and pension plans will be there for you.
2. It’s your voice.
Collective action starts with voting. Politicians listen to demands from communities with high turnout.
1. They want you to stay home.
An attempt is underway to keep people from voting. Your vote can stop this election from being stolen.
Resources to Get Out the Vote and build the movement on the CPUSA Election Resource Page.
Sign up here for the AFL-CIO national online phone bank and make calls from wherever you are.
Sign up here for the MoveOn national online phone bank to Save the Senate.
Sign up here for the Democracy For America “DFA Dialer”
Sign up here for “Call Out the Vote” (Bold Progressives)
Raise your voice – tweet a photo or message with the hashtag #WhyWeVote to @civilrightsorg
Get a free ride to the polls with Rock the Vote DOWNLOAD THE LYFT APP
Make your election day plan with the AFL-CIO at MyVoteMyRight.org
Make your election day plan at the Fair Shot Voter website
Share National Action Network’s “Hands Up and Vote” video
Checkout Vote Run Lead get out the vote toolkit
Vote 411 League of WomenVoters registration, early voting and ID requirements by state
Sign up with Election Protection for tools to protect the right to vote.
Sign up with MoveOn Voter Protection Squad Yes, sign me up!
Sign the petition for the Justice Department to investigate Georgia’s missing 40,000 voter registrations
Labor seeks to unseat McConnell, block GOP power grab
Chicago hotel workers to Bruce Bauner: give back the money
Labor says vote for hopes not fears in Connecticut
AFL CIO rallies Georgia voters for Nov 4
Early voting runs strong against GOP in North Carolina
Voter protection volunteers to monitor polls
AFL CIO’s Gebre pulls for immigrant voters
Photo: Creative Commons 3.0