Across the country, women are fighting back to defemd their jobs and their families against candidates who want to destroy women’s reproductive rights, health care, family leave and paid sick days. Women’s voices and votes can make the difference in this election in the U.S. Senate and House, for Governors and State Legislatures, and in the movement going forward for full equality. Here are a few of the efforts underway from now to election day:
AFSCME Women Vote: “This November, women are more important than ever. From wages to sick leave to health care, the issues that matter most to women are all on the table in this election. And the pundits and pollsters agree that our votes will be the critical factor in races across the country.” AFSCME Women Vote invites you to take part By filling out a quick survey about the issues you care about most.
National Organization for Women: We must save the Senate from a right-wing takeover, or the only thing stopping the 20-week abortion ban from becoming law would be President Obama’s veto. The Paycheck Fairness Act would continue to be blocked. And the disastrous Ryan budget, defunding crucial programs in order to give bigger tax breaks to corporations and billionaires, could easily become law.” Sign the pledge! to Win it for Women.
Fair Shot Voter: In 2012, nearly one out of every three voters was a women who voted for Barack Obama. Though women sent a loud message to their elected officials, many policies remain outdated to the challenges women and families face. With only four weeks until Election Day, help us place women and families at the center of our public policy debates! Fair Shot Voter campaign.
Planned Parenthood Action Fund: State by State Congressional Scorecard based on votes on key legislation related to women’s health care and rights.
We’re taking the GOTV Challenge (Get Out The Vote)!
National Roundup: In Michigan going door to door and telling voters to get out to vote November 4…..In Texas voter registration and door to door walking in the Governor race and through community/labor organizations….In Northwest Indiana phone banking for local candidates and with MoveOn.org….In Southern California precinct walking for Congress and School Board….In Florida walking with labor each week, Souls to the Polls early voting and tabling at a concert for young voters….In New Jersey labor walks and phoning to out of state battleground races….In Colorado door knocking with Workers Voice to get out the vote….In South Carolina canvassing and phone banking with Progressive Network….In Georgia labor phone banks and walks….write in from your area to politicalaction@cpusa.org.
CHECK IT OUT! Resources to Get Out the Vote and build the movement on the CPUSA Election Resource Page.
GOTV and Voter Protection links
Sign up here for the AFL-CIO national online phone bank and make calls from wherever you are.
Sign up here for the MoveOn national online phone bank to Save the Senate.
Sign up here for the Democracy For America “DFA Dialer.”
Add your name to the list of people who will #TurnOutForWhat.
Take part in Color of Change share campaign: If you agree that silence is not the answer.
Sign up with the Coalition for Human Needs pledge to vote.
Vote 411 League of WomenVoters registration, early voting and ID requirements by state
Sign up with Election Protection for tools to protect the right to vote.
Sign up with MoveOn Voter Protection Squad Yes, sign me up!
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