A little over a year ago, the Women’s March brought literally millions into the streets to protest Donald Trump’s inauguration and everything it represented. It was a hugely important moment in the resistance highlighting the leading role of women, a role that has only grown.
This year’s march is just a few week’s away and is focused on the midterm elections. The national march is January 21 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Local marches will take place the day before, January 20.
The Communist Party is participating! Let’s get organized!!
The theme of the march is “Power to the Polls.” It’s been reported that over 20,000 women have pledged to be candidates for local, state and national office in November!
Most state’s Women’s March committees continued to operate since January 2017 and are planning their own events. Many have their own Facebook pages. The largest state march is being planned for New York City.
- You can register for the march here.
- The official site has addtional information here.
- Local marches can be found here.
We strongly urge group participation by clubs and districts including creating an event if one is not nearby. Importantly, after the march targeted mass voter registration drives will occur in swing states a vital activity that everyone can join in on. There is also a youth organizing component to the Women’s March.