CPUSA 32nd Convention

Don’t be duped- Struggle against left and right opportunism

Don’t be duped- Struggle against left and right opportunism

What can be done to avoid being duped by the left and the right opportunist tendencies that present as mirages for the party members?

BY: Kevah| May 24, 2024
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Learning to learn: theoretical and practical interaction with dialectics

Learning to learn: theoretical and practical interaction with dialectics

Marxist classes of Hegelian dialectics would help inspire interest in Marx’s works, and convince our newest comrades of our kind of practice within mass movement organizations.

BY: Elias Moya| May 23, 2024
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Petty-bourgeois radicalism vs. working-class politics

Petty-bourgeois radicalism vs. working-class politics

If the CPUSA can help popularize working-class ideas and approaches to struggle, we will help the working-class and all people make great strides forward in the battles ahead.

BY: Cameron Orr| May 21, 2024
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Why a Women’s and LGBTQ Commission?

Why a Women’s and LGBTQ Commission?

Through the formation of Women’s and LGBTQ Commissions in districts and clubs across the country we can bolster unity within existing movements fighting for gender and sex equality.

Mexican-American/Chicano(a) identity and the fight for equality

Mexican-American/Chicano(a) identity and the fight for equality

Our Party has a unique role to play in relation to the fight for equality of the Mexican-American/Chicana/o communities.

BY: David Trujillo| May 21, 2024
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