CPUSA 32nd Convention

Envisioning socialism with American characteristics

Envisioning socialism with American characteristics

This blueprint for 'Socialism with American Characteristics' should clearly articulate how existing economic structures can be transformed to serve the collective good.

BY: Michael Kuznetsov| May 17, 2024
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The lie of capitalist advancement

The lie of capitalist advancement

Under capitalism, the lie is that innovation thrives and everyone’s lives improve alongside these innovations.

BY: Michael K| May 16, 2024
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Usefulness of cadre-based political education In mass organizations

Usefulness of cadre-based political education In mass organizations

The party could greatly benefit from a discussion around cadre building through personalized political education.

BY: Nathan Pope| May 16, 2024
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Necessity of a world communist movement

Necessity of a world communist movement

For our world movement to lead humanity’s liberation from capitalism we must strengthen the unity of the world communist movement.

BY: Wadi’h Halabi| May 15, 2024
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Imperialism, mass migration, and the far right

Imperialism, mass migration, and the far right

The enemy is not the migrant worker, it is the exploiting capitalist who pits workers against each other for their profit. We must work together against capitalist exploitation.

BY: Corbin Westkaemper| May 15, 2024
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