
The Road to Socialism USA: Unity for Peace, Jobs, Equality

The Road to Socialism USA: Unity for Peace, Jobs, Equality

Monopoly capitalism is in deep crisis.  There is a way out - here's our roadmap for what lies ahead. Please share your critique.  Join the conversation.

BY: CP Program Collective| March 2, 2019
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The new McCarthyism and Donald Trump

The new McCarthyism and Donald Trump

The old anti-communist scare no longer has the same impact, especially for generations born after the Cold War.

BY: John Bachtell| February 26, 2019
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Unity in defense of  the homeland

Unity in defense of the homeland

We, members of the FPAA, call for preparation, organization and popular mobilization.

International Notes: Communist to lead group in Israel Parliament

International Notes: Communist to lead group in Israel Parliament

  Israel: Communist elected head of  Hadash faction in the Knesset Knesset (Israeli Parliament) member Ayman Odeh was re-elected on February 1 as chairman of the parliamentary faction of Hadash...

February 14, 2019
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