
An historic election victory: Now what?

An historic election victory: Now what?

At critical junctures the U.S. working class and people, in their tens of millions, have always risen to the occasion. This was no less true on Election Day 2018. Now...

BY: Communist Party USA| November 8, 2018
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Waking class consciousness today

Waking class consciousness today

It is no longer possible, if it ever was, to separate reality from ideology.

BY: Lorri Nandrea| November 8, 2018
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Marxist IQ: The October Revolution
BY: Communist Party USA| November 5, 2018
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Defeating “dog whistle politics”:  A critical review

Defeating “dog whistle politics”: A critical review

  The author of Race and Economic Jeopardy for All: A Framing Paper for Defeating Dog Whistle Politics, Ian Hany López, is a law professor at University of California Berkeley,...

BY: Anita Waters| November 4, 2018
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The Radicalism of Martin Luther King Jr  and W.E.B.  Du Bois

The Radicalism of Martin Luther King Jr and W.E.B. Du Bois

This webinar explores the  deepening of the ideological vision of WEB Du Bois and Martin Luther King Jr and their path towards consistent working-class and advanced democratic positions.

BY: Ed Carson| November 2, 2018
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