
Stop blaming workers for the rise of authoritarianism

Stop blaming workers for the rise of authoritarianism

Pretending that authoritarian ideas arise organically from the working class itself, it hides the relationship between authoritarianism and the economic policies of the ruling class.

BY: Anita Waters| September 10, 2018
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The White House at war: With itself

The White House at war: With itself

The  Dr. Frankensteins of the GOP have created a monster: today the choice is clear even to some of the monster’s makers: defeat this new Frankenstein lest the beast devour...

BY: Joe Sims| September 7, 2018
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Marxist IQ: The Communist Manifesto
BY: Communist Party USA| September 7, 2018
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Marxist IQ: Communist Manifesto answers

Marxist IQ: Communist Manifesto answers

1. c 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. b   Score: 0 wrong: Theoretician. Write an article! Teach a class!! 1 wrong: Developed Marxist. Form a study group, join...

September 7, 2018
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How can Marxism contribute to women’s equality?

How can Marxism contribute to women’s equality?

Marxists were the first to fight for women's inclusion in labor unions, recognizing the strategic importance of their role in class and democratic battles.

BY: Michelle Kern| September 6, 2018
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