
Young Communist League takes off in Texas

Young Communist League takes off in Texas

If you have been following the happenings of Young Communist League, USA recently, I am sure that you have heard tell of the Little Red School Bus Tour. This was...

BY: Keifus Domo Deus| March 15, 2012
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The Line: 5,000 Demonstrators for Jobs

The Line: 5,000 Demonstrators for Jobs

A quick bit of news from a few different fronts in the battle for higher union wage jobs. Pink Slip Demo Forming a line three miles long, 5,000 demonstrators took...

BY: Scott Marshall| March 7, 2012
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Unemployment extension: the good, the bad and the ugly

Unemployment extension: the good, the bad and the ugly

A victory! Unemployment Insurance has been extended for the rest of 2012. Republicans had to cave in due to pressure from constituents all around the country. There are many positive...

BY: Scott Marshall| February 27, 2012
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Pass unemployment insurance extension

Pass unemployment insurance extension

The quote in the subject is part of a larger quote from President Obama in his battle with the GOP over extending unemployment benefits.  Here is the full quote: "Congress needs to...

BY: Scott Marshall| February 15, 2012
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Communist Party initiates veterans committee

Communist Party initiates veterans committee

CHICAGO - With the Iraq war officially over, leaving 4,500 U.S. troops and 100,000 Iraqis dead plus tens of thousands wounded, the soldiers who fought and experienced the horror are...

BY: John Bachtell| January 29, 2012
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