
Red School Bus Tour stops in Orlando

Red School Bus Tour stops in Orlando

In the heart of one of the country's critical swing states, over 25 young activists gathered for the latest Young Communist League weekend school.

BY: Lisa Bergmann| June 29, 2011
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Social media and the CPUSA

Social media and the CPUSA

A few thoughts on social media and organizing from a theoretical perspective.

BY: Harold Wallace| June 20, 2011
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People’s World…there’s an app for that

People’s World…there’s an app for that

People Before Profit network partner, People's World, rolls out its new app.

BY:| June 13, 2011
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Resources: Which way to socialism?

Resources: Which way to socialism?

More resources on socialism, U.S. politics and Marxism.

June 7, 2011
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Communism and socialism explained, an animated video

Communism and socialism explained, an animated video

This video addresses common misconceptions and arguments against communism and socialism. 

BY: Brandon Ivey| April 22, 2011
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