
Video: Stop the lies about public employees

Video: Stop the lies about public employees

Get the truth about public workers.

BY: Brave New Foundation| January 7, 2011
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Wishing on a star

Wishing on a star

A short poem and wish for the new year.

BY: Eric Gordon| December 22, 2010
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Organizing is empowering

Organizing is empowering

Activists answer the question: What is organizing?

BY: Joel Wendland-Liu| December 22, 2010
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La. tech-savvy students fight back

La. tech-savvy students fight back

HAMMOND, La. - Scott Marshall and I wound up CPUSA's Southern Organizing Tour.

BY: Jim Lane| November 24, 2010
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In Southern Calif.? Stop by

In Southern Calif.? Stop by

Join our discussions on Marxism and change. Check out the video.

BY: CPUSA webmaster| November 24, 2010
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