Convention 2019

Pre-Convention Discussion

Pre-Convention Discussion

Welcome to Pre-Convention Discussion! Here you'll find links to guidelines, information on online discussions, and a list of submissions by topic.

The road to socialism: Webinar on draft party program

The road to socialism: Webinar on draft party program

How does the class struggle intersect with the broader equality movements of people of color, women and lgbtq people? Let's discuss!

BY: Communist Party USA| March 6, 2019
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The Road to Socialism USA: Unity for Peace, Jobs, Equality

The Road to Socialism USA: Unity for Peace, Jobs, Equality

Monopoly capitalism is in deep crisis.  There is a way out - here's our roadmap for what lies ahead. Please share your critique.  Join the conversation.

BY: CP Program Collective| March 2, 2019
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Welcome to pre-Convention discussion!

Welcome to pre-Convention discussion!

Charting a course to socialism is a collective work, and your input is needed!

31st convention resolution guidelines

31st convention resolution guidelines

The committee’s recommendations  will be voted on by the convention.

BY:| February 1, 2019
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