'Congratulations on an extraordinary year of labor-led all-people's front organizing and fightback. The right-wing stranglehold on Congress has been broken. The elections are a stunning people's victory -- part of...
A change in the composition of the congress will make it more possible to end the occupation in Iraq. Thats the political reality. Today I will not discuss the next...
There are 19 weeks until Election Day, Tuesday November 7. Perhaps nothing underscores the significance of these mid-term elections more than the reality of 2500 killed and 18,000 maimed needlessly...
The industry is increasingly non-unionthe number of foreign transplants is growing60,000 non-union workers at Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, etc. Auto companies have growing ability to quickly shift production between plants in...
Here is a PowerPoint slideshow to accompany the article, by Joelle Fishman, Chair of the Political Action Commission. This is a tool available for Party Districts, Clubs, members and friends...