31st National Convention

Marx, the Paris Commune, and the Dissolution of the Communist International

Marx, the Paris Commune, and the Dissolution of the Communist International

Human liberation requires recommitting to Communist international unity and the common interests of the proletariat, independently of all nationality.

BY: Wadi’h Halabi| April 24, 2019
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What do we have in common with our coalition partners, and how are we different?

What do we have in common with our coalition partners, and how are we different?

The Left can't afford division right now.  We need a form that can unite socialists, communists, and any other groups that share our goals.

BY: Lantz Nave| April 24, 2019
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Communist election strategy, here and now

Communist election strategy, here and now

According to the Draft Program, the strategic goal at this moment in the struggle for socialism is to defeat the extreme right (p. 56). Interwoven to the defeat of the...

BY: Michael Arney| April 24, 2019
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The socialist moment

The socialist moment

We're not going backwards to socialism but forward to a socialism 2.0,  a working-class led majoritarian movement of class struggle that favors the expansion of democracy in every direction.

BY: Joe Sims| April 23, 2019
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The socialist moment and the tasks at hand

The socialist moment and the tasks at hand

The 2018 election demonstrated that advanced thinkers, radical democrats, socialists and communists can get elected in the politics of this movement.

BY: Beth Edelman| April 18, 2019
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