class struggle

Indian farmers march to victory

Indian farmers march to victory

Farmers in the Indian State of Maharashtra won a major victory after marching 100+ miles to Mumbai.

BY: Scott Hiley| March 13, 2018
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All in for unity, solidarity and get out the vote

All in for unity, solidarity and get out the vote

When people see their common interests, Trump's policies can be successfully challenged.

BY: Joelle Fishman| February 28, 2018
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Rebuilding the Communist Party in the fight against Trump

Rebuilding the Communist Party in the fight against Trump

The party we are building will be what we make it.

BY: Joe Sims| November 26, 2017
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Membership surge sets agenda for upcoming Communist conference

Membership surge sets agenda for upcoming Communist conference

Trump's got people alarmed and many are looking left.

BY: Communist Party USA| October 28, 2017
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Organized labor and the Trump regime: An interview with Scott Marshall

Organized labor and the Trump regime: An interview with Scott Marshall

For labor, democratic struggles like sexism, racism, and LGBTQ issues aren't side issues.

BY: Communist Party USA| September 12, 2017
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