class struggle

The vanguard vs. the mass organization

The vanguard vs. the mass organization

Knowing the difference is important to our work.

BY: Emile Schepers| January 6, 2023
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Democracy is on the line in November

Democracy is on the line in November

Are we in a new qualitative moment, when people’s thinking is shifting quickly?

BY: John Bachtell| September 30, 2022
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In “Time for Socialism,” Picketty overlooks the class struggle

In “Time for Socialism,” Picketty overlooks the class struggle

A review of Thomas Picketty's "Time for Socialism."

BY: John Case| January 19, 2022
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The curious rise of white “left” nationalism

The curious rise of white “left” nationalism

A new ideological trend repeats old mistakes.

BY: Jamal Rich| December 23, 2021
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CPUSA youth school a success

CPUSA youth school a success

Students at the Little Red Schoolhouse in NYC were immersed in theory and practice.

BY: Maicol David Lynch| August 6, 2021
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