The historic Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, which reached a crescendo in 2020 with the George Floyd Uprisings, has been a generation-defining political moment for many working people in...
It is in the interests of the whole working class to fight for women's equality. Men must be active in this struggle, and share in types of work often left...
Joining the YCL in the '30s, Fishman was active all her life in union and community struggles against fascism and racism, for workers' rights, housing, healthcare, and peace.
From Pinkerton detective to anti-fascist writer and CPUSA activist hounded by HUAC and the FBI, Hammett's experiences and politics led to major developments of the private detective genre.
Communists in Bangladesh and Peru are demanding democratic reforms. In Switzerland and South Africa, they are calling for peace and opposing U.S. interventions.