Current Issues

Stop the FTAA, On to Miami!

Stop the FTAA, On to Miami!

Thousands will be marching in the streets of Miami, Florida, during the week of Nov. 17-21, protesting the proposed Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA). They will pour into...

September 26, 2003
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The movements against war and capitalist globalization

The movements against war and capitalist globalization

We are sincerely thankful to the Communist Party of Greece for once again hosting this vital meeting of fraternal Parties and for the opportunity to share thoughts and learn from...

July 18, 2003
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CPUSA National Committee Resolution on the 2004 Elections

CPUSA National Committee Resolution on the 2004 Elections

The Communist Party USA meeting in New York City June 28-29, 2003 concluded that the most urgent task facing the working class and its allies in the next 17 months...

July 11, 2003
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The Meaning of May Day

The Meaning of May Day

May Day, much like other holidays, is an occasion to break bread with family and friends in a festive atmosphere. Who in their right mind could be against that? What...

May 8, 2003
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The 2004 Elections are Pivotal to Save Our Country and the World

The 2004 Elections are Pivotal to Save Our Country and the World

Some are saying that the never-ending war policy may render Bush unbeatable in 2004. In reality, the Bush administration and the Congressional Republicans are very vulnerable. Their defeat is of...

May 8, 2003
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