Capitol Hill braces for the Enron battle royale amidst the opening of Congressional hearings. Congress has 11 committees and subcommittees probing elements of Enron's failure. Tim Wheeler, Editor of the...
This is a CORRECTED, UPDATED, and EXPANDED verison of the one posted earlier. Enron! Never before, not even during the depths of Teapot Dome and the Watergate, has the scandalous...
From the lead story at The People's Weekly World: The IBEW brought two of the workers to testify before the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs Dec. 18. The collapse...
Jim Jennings, president of Conscience International, has seen the costs of war up close. Jennings, currently preparing for his fourth trip to Afghanistan, said, The public is being shielded from...
The U.S. Supreme Court’s unanimous Jan. 8 decision to reverse a lower court’s ruling, which had been in favor of an injured woman auto worker, was sharply criticized by defenders...