Donald Trump

Unity can defeat Trump: new dangers and new opportunities

Unity can defeat Trump: new dangers and new opportunities

Yes, it is a dangerous moment. But it is also a moment full of great possibility to defeat the right.

BY: John Bachtell| July 27, 2016
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Women’s “State of the Union” and the 2016 elections

Women’s “State of the Union” and the 2016 elections

Representation in gender needs to be encouraged from those who teach, to our workplaces, unions, Congress, and yes, our presidency.

BY: Michelle Kern| June 23, 2016
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Election Update: Trump’s the GOP nominee but can the democratic camps unite?

Election Update: Trump’s the GOP nominee but can the democratic camps unite?

The big challenges in this extraordinary election cycle is building unity to defeat Trump.

BY: Joelle Fishman| May 25, 2016
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