
Next steps in party education

Next steps in party education

One of the few ways we have to combat backwardness is the promotion of  class and socialist consciousness.

BY: Dee Miles| December 13, 2016
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What I learned at Marxist summer school

What I learned at Marxist summer school

We left the CPUSA school with new friends, new understandings, and new  working class tools to help change the world.

BY: Colby James| September 12, 2016
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Marxist education: How we do it in Los Angeles

Marxist education: How we do it in Los Angeles

We believed it was important to discuss the current stage of capitalism that we live under, then begin to take a look at history and connect the question of imperialism.

BY: Rossana Cambron| December 2, 2015
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The Line: 5,000 Demonstrators for Jobs

The Line: 5,000 Demonstrators for Jobs

A quick bit of news from a few different fronts in the battle for higher union wage jobs. Pink Slip Demo Forming a line three miles long, 5,000 demonstrators took...

BY: Scott Marshall| March 7, 2012
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Unemployment extension: the good, the bad and the ugly

Unemployment extension: the good, the bad and the ugly

A victory! Unemployment Insurance has been extended for the rest of 2012. Republicans had to cave in due to pressure from constituents all around the country. There are many positive...

BY: Scott Marshall| February 27, 2012
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