
Liberalism hinders working-class leadership

Liberalism hinders working-class leadership

The Party should openly resist the liberal agenda and press radical ones instead. This must be our mark. This is leadership.

BY: Lowell B. Denny, III| January 28, 2020
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Unity: Essential for victory!

Unity: Essential for victory!

In this time of special crisis, the question of unity is front and center for the people’s movement and our party.

BY: Bruce Bostick| January 22, 2020
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How to win in 2020: “To the left, march.”

How to win in 2020: “To the left, march.”

The most effective force for moving the electorate to the left is the Sanders campaign, which we should become fully immersed in.

BY: Rick Nagin| December 10, 2019
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How to win in 2020: “Follow the working-class line of march.”

How to win in 2020: “Follow the working-class line of march.”

Putting a working-class stamp on the fight to defeat Trump is the best and most effective way to win the battle for political power in 2020.

BY: Joe Sims| December 10, 2019
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Impeachment and the battle for democracy

Impeachment and the battle for democracy

We are living in a broad, democratic moment:  witness the women's marches, Charlottesville, and today's  strike wave.

BY: Joe Sims| November 19, 2019
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