
Mitos vs. Realidades sobre la Inmigración: Un vistazo detrás de la furia antiinmigrante. ¡Un llamado a la acción en apoyo de los derechos de los inmigrantes!

Mitos vs. Realidades sobre la Inmigración: Un vistazo detrás de la furia antiinmigrante. ¡Un llamado a la acción en apoyo de los derechos de los inmigrantes!

Una mirada detrás del furor antiinmigrante. ¡Un llamado a la acción en apoyo a los derechos de los inmigrantes!

Imperialism, mass migration, and the far right

Imperialism, mass migration, and the far right

The enemy is not the migrant worker, it is the exploiting capitalist who pits workers against each other for their profit. We must work together against capitalist exploitation.

BY: Corbin Westkaemper| May 15, 2024
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Changing U.S. foreign policy is central to immigration justice

Changing U.S. foreign policy is central to immigration justice

  The following presentation was given by Debra Wilmer on behalf of the Immigration Subcommittee of the CPUSA Politcal Action Commission at the party's 2023 peace conference in New York...

December 6, 2023
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CP activists gather to build the peace movement

CP activists gather to build the peace movement

  Grassroots activists from around the country met in New York City November 11–12 for a Communist Party USA peace conference. Responding to Israel’s razing of Gaza, the conference focused...

November 21, 2023
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Working-class internationalism must be the answer to war

Working-class internationalism must be the answer to war

U.S. imperialism generates multiple crises, posing serious threats to life on the planet. Join the global movement for peace, democracy, and socialism.

BY: Rossana Cambron| September 22, 2023
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