Trump's reversal of Biden's 11th hour lifting of the sanction-laden designation accompanies Rubio's plans for more restrictions. A mass campaign is needed for Cuban self-determination.
Chile CP's Congress; Cuba off and on the terrorism list; China, Vietnam work for unity; Czech Communists revamp coalition work; struggles in Israel, Palestine, and Syria continue.
A look at the life of CPUSA co-chair Rossana Cambron provides insight into the struggles of immigrant and Latino communities across the U.S. and in many nations to its south.
Los partidos proponen compartir sus experiencias y buscar acciones conjuntas en defensa de los migrantes, los trabajadores, la paz y el derecho a la autodeterminación.
Faced with the dangers posed by Trump, the parties propose to share their experiences and seek joint action in defense of migrants, workers, peace, and the right to self-determination.