
Solidarity with Iran’s striking oil, gas and petrochemical workers! Solidarity with the Tudeh Party of Iran!

Solidarity with Iran’s striking oil, gas and petrochemical workers! Solidarity with the Tudeh Party of Iran!

Solidarity with the 20,000 striking workers in Iran’s oil, gas, and petrochemical industry.

The U.K. must apologize for the 1953 coup in Iran

The U.K. must apologize for the 1953 coup in Iran

August 19th marked the 70th anniversary of the Britain- and U.S.- planned coup in 1953 in Iran, which overthrew the democratically-elected Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh.

BY: Steve Bishop| August 22, 2023
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Regime change begins at home

Regime change begins at home

The following is a special resolution adopted by the National Convention to address imperialist maneuvers against the people of Iran and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.   We gather here...

BY: Communist Party USA| July 3, 2019
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International Notes: French protests surge as CP elects new leader

International Notes: French protests surge as CP elects new leader

  For the past week, there have been militant “yellow vest” protests in the streets of Paris and other cities over increased fuel taxes and other government policies seen as...

December 3, 2018
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Spanish CP demands settlement of Catalan issue and more!

Spanish CP demands settlement of Catalan issue and more!

Spanish CP support right to Spain's people to determine their future; SACP condemn Nzimande's removal from Cabinet;  Tudeh Party of Iran criticizes Trump and more in this week's International Notes.