Labor Movement

National party building conference: Call to action

National party building conference: Call to action

It will take a fighting party armed with the most advanced ideas of Marx and Lenin, utilizing every possible means of organizing, to lead and win the working-class majority to...

BY: National Board, CPUSA| August 29, 2017
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The working class in contemporary capitalism

The working class in contemporary capitalism

Today the emergence of the new work force in the “service” sector also demands new forms of organization.

BY: Roberta Wood| July 20, 2017
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Coalition building with labor at its center

Coalition building with labor at its center

The challenges, and rewards, of building coalitions that unite labor, community groups, and mass movements.

BY: Steve Valencia| July 20, 2017
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Strengthening the working class and people’s movements (Video)

Strengthening the working class and people’s movements (Video)

There’s nothing in our discussion of strategy and tactics that you shouldn’t be able to discuss in your workplace.

BY: Roberta Wood| May 29, 2017
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Immigration myths v. facts: A look behind the anti-immigrant furor

Immigration myths v. facts: A look behind the anti-immigrant furor

You can download the link here: Immigration facts v. myths Immigration has become a central issue in the 2016 elections Immigration is a top issue in this year’s elections. Immigrants...

August 5, 2016
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