As Communists, we are charged with building unity of the whole working class. In the aftermath of welfare reform and with continued corporate downsizing, poverty is deep in times of...
U.S. corporations invested one million to buy the White House, Congress, and the Supreme Court. The Labor 2000 campaign, although outspent 15 to1, mounted a national campaign that fought the...
Joining with Los Angeles and other Southern California areas, the greater Bay Area counties, where the population is concentrated in Northern California and the labor movement is strongest, helped give...
In Philadelphia, the vote was unprecedented. Gore's vote of more than 435,000 to a Bush vote of just over 98,000 is what helped to win the state of Pennsylvania as...
The bond between the Communist Party USA and the Communist Party of Vietnam is enduring, especially as a result of the movement against the U.S. imperialist war. Yet, that bond...