People's World

People’s World: The voice of the party, a voice for the movements

People’s World: The voice of the party, a voice for the movements

People's World is our newspaper, and it needs the unified support of the membership if it is to survive and thrive.

BY: C.J. Atkins| May 21, 2024
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Suggestions to improve People’s World

Suggestions to improve People’s World

Ideas to strengthen People's World as a leading working-class news outlet in the country.

BY: Jamal Rich| May 2, 2024
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Understanding our press as a collective organizer

Understanding our press as a collective organizer

How can Lenin's writings on the Communist party and press be applied today?

BY: Jacob Buckner| August 5, 2023
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Oklahoma Communists say there’s no pride in McCarthyism

Oklahoma Communists say there’s no pride in McCarthyism

When the Oklahoma CP applied for a booth at a local Pride celebration, a Cold War–era law spooked event organizers. Pro-democracy activists say it's time to remove the statute.

BY: C.J. Atkins| June 16, 2023
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It’s going to take a mass movement

It’s going to take a mass movement

Building the working-class and democratic movements — and building the party — remain key to fighting the fascist danger.

BY: Joe Sims| February 3, 2023
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