Republican party

Marxist IQ: Virtual insanity

Marxist IQ: Virtual insanity

What's your score?

BY: Communist Party USA| August 21, 2020
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Is the GOP crazy enough to defeat the HEROES Act?

Is the GOP crazy enough to defeat the HEROES Act?

  The HEROES Act passed in the House on May 15, but it has no chance of passing the Senate and getting Trump’s signature. Or does it? First, what would...

BY: Communist Party USA| July 17, 2020
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The 1%, the police, and the fascist danger

The 1%, the police, and the fascist danger

Getting desperate, the capitalist 1% edges toward fascism.

BY: Joel Wendland-Liu| June 26, 2020
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The Marxist Classes: Dog-whistle politics and how to fight it

The Marxist Classes: Dog-whistle politics and how to fight it

  Dog-whistle politics—code words that don't refer explicitly to race but are fraught with racial meaning—has been used by both major political parties. But the GOP's enthusiastic embrace of this...

January 15, 2020
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Do you want Trump’s finger on the nuclear trigger?

Do you want Trump’s finger on the nuclear trigger?

Trump’s foreign policy approach totally lacks coherence. His advisors are an eclectic collection of right-wingers, kooks, and extremists. Some have no foreign policy experience whatsoever but it's Trump's finger that...

October 17, 2016
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